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The life and works of Diana Liu
Yes, she's a story artist...
The Violinist
Anyone can play music, but only the fearless can be great!
PLEASE WATCH MY PITCH! (It's only 3.5 minutes) However, there is also a click-through version down below.
Click HERE if the slides are taking too long to load.
A girl copes with peer pressure and the complexity of her inner self after she discovers something about her friends.
Based on a true story. My apology to Lynn.
Click HERE if the slides are taking too long to load.
Watch my pitch below!
Parallel Parking
This absurd story is inspired by my absolute fear of parallel parking at any given circumstances...I'd highly encourage you to watch my pitch! However, there is also a click-through version down below.
Click HERE if the slides are taking too long to load.
Roller Coaster Ride (Slice of Life)
Two sisters want to go to the beautiful Dunn's Riverfalls more than anything else in the world. But everything turns horribly wrong...
(A personal story done during the Pixar story internship:)
I'd highly encourage you to watch my pitch! However, there is also a click-through version down below.
Click HERE if the slides are taking too long to load.
Select Beatboards
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